Apache Drill - Hansard Demo

Download and install Apache Drill. Start Apache Drill in the Apache Drill directory: bin/drill-embedded

Tweak the settings as per Querying Large CSV Files With Apache Drill so you can query against column names.

In [ ]:
#Download data file
!wget -P /Users/ajh59/Documents/parlidata/ https://zenodo.org/record/579712/files/senti_post_v2.csv

In [114]:
#Install some dependencies
!pip3 install pydrill
!pip3 install pandas
!pip3 install matplotlib

Requirement already satisfied: pydrill in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages
Requirement already satisfied: requests in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from pydrill)
Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from requests->pydrill)
Requirement already satisfied: urllib3<1.22,>=1.21.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from requests->pydrill)
Requirement already satisfied: idna<2.6,>=2.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from requests->pydrill)
Requirement already satisfied: chardet<3.1.0,>=3.0.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from requests->pydrill)
Requirement already satisfied: pandas in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages
Requirement already satisfied: pytz>=2011k in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from pandas)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.7.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from pandas)
Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from pandas)
Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from python-dateutil>=2->pandas)
Requirement already satisfied: matplotlib in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages
Requirement already satisfied: cycler>=0.10 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from matplotlib)
Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.10 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from matplotlib)
Requirement already satisfied: pyparsing!=2.0.4,!=2.1.2,!=2.1.6,>=1.5.6 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from matplotlib)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.7.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from matplotlib)
Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from matplotlib)
Requirement already satisfied: pytz in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from matplotlib)

In [139]:
#Import necessary packages
import pandas as pd
from pydrill.client import PyDrill

#Set the notebooks up for inline plotting
%matplotlib inline

In [6]:
#Get a connection to the Apache Drill server
drill = PyDrill(host='localhost', port=8047)

Make things faster

We can get a speed up on querying the CSV file by converting it to the parquet format.

In the Apache Drill terminal, run something like the following (change the path to the CSV file as required):

CREATE TABLE dfs.tmp.`/senti_post_v2.parquet` AS SELECT * FROM dfs.`/Users/ajh59/Documents/parlidata/senti_post_v2.csv`;

(Running the command from the notebook suffers a timeout?)

In [10]:
#Test the setup
drill.query(''' SELECT * from dfs.tmp.`/senti_post_v2.parquet` LIMIT 3''').to_dataframe()

afinn_sd afinn_sentiment age as_speaker date_of_birth dods_id gender government hansard_membership_id house_end_date ... pims_id proper_name sentiword_sd sentiword_sentiment speakerid speech speech_date time url word_count
0 NA 0 61 FALSE 1955-08-11 25175 Female Opposition NA NA ... 943 Sylvia Hermon NA 0 NA rose— 2017-03-21 13:58:00 1
1 0.8788192423620312 0.6074156578823847 61 FALSE 1955-08-11 25175 Female Opposition NA NA ... 943 Sylvia Hermon 0.156473588352448 0.06187180921605654 NA There is a competition going on here over who ... 2017-03-21 13:58:00 119
2 0.7491414925035998 -0.15584597470090075 61 FALSE 1955-08-11 25175 Female Opposition NA NA ... 943 Sylvia Hermon 0.26867964867304406 -0.03330528415064781 NA The Minister is commenting on the need to work... 2017-03-21 13:58:00 85

3 rows × 33 columns

The Hansard data gives the date of each speech but not the session. To search for speeches within a particular session, we need the session dates. We can get these from the Parliament data API.

In [45]:
#Get Parliament session dates from Parliament API

uri display name end date parliament > parliament number session number start date
0 http://data.parliament.uk/resources/377309 2005-2006 2006-11-08 54 1 2005-05-11
1 http://data.parliament.uk/resources/377310 2006-2007 2007-10-30 54 2 2006-11-15
2 http://data.parliament.uk/resources/377311 2007-2008 2008-11-26 54 3 2007-11-06
3 http://data.parliament.uk/resources/377312 2008-2009 2009-11-12 54 4 2008-12-03
4 http://data.parliament.uk/resources/377313 2009-2010 2010-04-12 54 5 2009-11-18
5 http://data.parliament.uk/resources/377314 2010-2012 2012-05-01 55 1 2010-05-18
6 http://data.parliament.uk/resources/377315 2012-2013 2013-04-30 55 2 2012-05-09
7 http://data.parliament.uk/resources/377316 2013-2014 2014-05-14 55 3 2013-05-08
8 http://data.parliament.uk/resources/377317 2014-2015 2015-03-30 55 4 2014-06-04
9 http://data.parliament.uk/resources/377318 2015-2016 2016-05-15 56 1 2015-05-18
10 http://data.parliament.uk/resources/519398 2016-2017 2017-05-03 56 2 2016-05-18

In [58]:
def getParliamentDate(session):
    start=psd[psd['display name']==session]['start date'].iloc[0]
    end=psd[psd['display name']==session]['end date'].iloc[0]
    return start, end


('2015-05-18', '2016-05-15')

In [140]:
#Check the columns in the Hansard dataset, along with example values
df=drill.query(''' SELECT * from dfs.tmp.`/senti_post_v2.parquet` LIMIT 1''').to_dataframe()

['afinn_sd', 'afinn_sentiment', 'age', 'as_speaker', 'date_of_birth', 'dods_id', 'gender', 'government', 'hansard_membership_id', 'house_end_date', 'house_start_date', 'hu_sd', 'hu_sentiment', 'id', 'jockers_sd', 'jockers_sentiment', 'ministry', 'mnis_id', 'nrc_sd', 'nrc_sentiment', 'party', 'party_group', 'person_id', 'pims_id', 'proper_name', 'sentiword_sd', 'sentiword_sentiment', 'speakerid', 'speech', 'speech_date', 'time', 'url', 'word_count']
afinn_sd                                                         NA
afinn_sentiment                                                   0
age                                                              61
as_speaker                                                    FALSE
date_of_birth                                            1955-08-11
dods_id                                                       25175
gender                                                       Female
government                                               Opposition
hansard_membership_id                                            NA
house_end_date                                                   NA
house_start_date                                         2001-06-07
hu_sd                                                            NA
hu_sentiment                                                      0
id                       uk.org.publicwhip/debate/2017-03-21b.801.1
jockers_sd                                                       NA
jockers_sentiment                                                 0
ministry                                                        May
mnis_id                                                        1437
nrc_sd                                                           NA
nrc_sentiment                                                     0
party                                                   Independent
party_group                                                   Other
person_id                                                     10958
pims_id                                                         943
proper_name                                           Sylvia Hermon
sentiword_sd                                                     NA
sentiword_sentiment                                               0
speakerid                                                        NA
speech                                                        rose—
speech_date                                              2017-03-21
time                                                       13:58:00
word_count                                                        1
Name: 0, dtype: object

In [17]:
# Example of count of speeches by person in the dataset as a whole
SELECT proper_name, COUNT(*) AS number 
FROM dfs.tmp.`/senti_post_v2.parquet`
GROUP BY proper_name


number proper_name
0 2967 Nick Brown
1 4062 Nigel Spearing
2 908 Gerald Malone
3 544 Michael Grylls
4 258 Vernon Booth

In [35]:
# Example of count of speeches by gender in the dataset as a whole
q="SELECT gender, count(*) AS `Number of Speeches` FROM dfs.tmp.`/senti_post_v2.parquet` GROUP BY gender"

Number of Speeches gender
0 294552 Female
1 1939677 Male

In [71]:
#Query within session

SELECT '{session}' AS session, gender, count(*) AS `Number of Speeches`
FROM dfs.tmp.`/senti_post_v2.parquet`
WHERE speech_date>='{start}' AND speech_date<='{end}'
GROUP BY gender
'''.format(session=session, start=start, end=end)


Number of Speeches gender session
0 18319 Female 2015-2016
1 52974 Male 2015-2016

In [85]:
#Count number of speeches per person
SELECT '{session}' AS session, gender, mnis_id, count(*) AS `Number of Speeches`
FROM dfs.tmp.`/senti_post_v2.parquet`
WHERE speech_date>='{start}' AND speech_date<='{end}'
GROUP BY mnis_id, gender
'''.format(session=session, start=start, end=end)


Number of Speeches gender mnis_id session
0 137 Female 1437 2015-2016
1 35 Male 650 2015-2016
2 23 Female 4409 2015-2016
3 32 Female 4422 2015-2016
4 35 Male 4059 2015-2016

In [143]:
# Example of finding the average number of speeches per person by gender in a particular session
SELECT AVG(gcount) AS average, gender, session
FROM (SELECT '{session}' AS session, gender, mnis_id, count(*) AS gcount
        FROM dfs.tmp.`/senti_post_v2.parquet`
        WHERE speech_date>='{start}' AND speech_date<='{end}'
        GROUP BY mnis_id, gender)
GROUP BY gender, session
'''.format(session=session, start=start, end=end)


#Note - the average is returned as a string not a numeric

average gender session
0 96.41578947368421 Female 2016-2017
1 117.72 Male 2016-2017

In [129]:
#We can package that query up in a Python function
def avBySession(session):
    q='''SELECT AVG(gcount) AS average, gender, session FROM (SELECT '{session}' AS session, gender, mnis_id, count(*) AS gcount
FROM dfs.tmp.`/senti_post_v2.parquet`
WHERE speech_date>='{start}' AND speech_date<='{end}'
GROUP BY mnis_id, gender) GROUP BY gender, session
'''.format(session=session, start=start, end=end)
    #Make the average a numeric type...
    return dq


average gender session
0 86.153846 Female 2016-2017
1 96.222717 Male 2016-2017

In [146]:
#Loop through sessions and create a dataframe containing gender based averages for each one
for session in psd['display name']:

#Tidy up the index


average gender session
0 135.100000 Male 2005-2006
1 114.837398 Female 2005-2006
2 94.674556 Male 2006-2007
3 85.080645 Female 2006-2007
4 112.407045 Male 2007-2008

The data is currently in a long (tidy) format. To make it easier to plot, we can reshape it (unmelt it) by casting it into a wide format, with one row per session and and the gender averages arranged by column.

In [147]:
#Reshape the dataset
overall_wide = overall.pivot(index='session', columns='gender')
#Flatten the column names
overall_wide.columns = overall_wide.columns.get_level_values(1)

gender Female Male
2005-2006 114.837398 135.100000
2006-2007 85.080645 94.674556
2007-2008 106.231405 112.407045
2008-2009 83.491803 94.362550
2009-2010 40.939130 49.500000
2010-2012 181.833333 236.386139
2012-2013 83.358621 103.818913
2013-2014 99.455172 113.828283
2014-2015 77.568493 84.784990
2015-2016 96.415789 117.720000
2016-2017 86.153846 96.222717

Now we can plot the data - the session axis should sort in an appropriate way (alphanumerically).

In [137]:

In [138]:

We can generalise the approach to look at a count of split by party.

In [150]:
# Example of finding the average number of speeches per person by party in a particular session
# Simply tweak the query we used for gender...
SELECT AVG(gcount) AS average, party, session
FROM (SELECT '{session}' AS session, party, mnis_id, count(*) AS gcount
        FROM dfs.tmp.`/senti_post_v2.parquet`
        WHERE speech_date>='{start}' AND speech_date<='{end}'
        GROUP BY mnis_id, party)
GROUP BY party, session
'''.format(session=session, start=start, end=end)


average party session
0 45.25 Independent 2016-2017
1 129.25 Democratic Unionist Party 2016-2017
2 78.76923076923077 Labour 2016-2017
3 19.0 SNP 2016-2017
4 135.3684210526316 Conservative 2016-2017
5 55.0 UKIP 2016-2017
6 79.5 Labour (Co-op) 2016-2017
7 108.05555555555556 Scottish National Party 2016-2017
8 117.25 Liberal Democrat 2016-2017
9 85.0 Ulster Unionist Party 2016-2017
10 128.66666666666666 Social Democratic & Labour Party 2016-2017
11 101.66666666666667 Plaid Cymru 2016-2017
12 176.0 Green Party 2016-2017

Make a function out of that, as we did before.

In [157]:
def avByType(session,typ):
    q='''SELECT AVG(gcount) AS average, {typ}, session
        FROM (SELECT '{session}' AS session, {typ}, mnis_id, count(*) AS gcount
            FROM dfs.tmp.`/senti_post_v2.parquet`
            WHERE speech_date>='{start}' AND speech_date<='{end}'
            GROUP BY mnis_id, {typ})
        GROUP BY {typ}, session
'''.format(session=session, start=start, end=end, typ=typ)
    #Make the average a numeric type...
    return dq

def avByParty(session):
    return avByType(session,'party')


average party session
0 26.800000 Independent 2016-2017
1 114.404908 Conservative 2016-2017
2 27.000000 UKIP 2016-2017
3 61.786408 Labour 2016-2017
4 100.907407 Scottish National Party 2016-2017
5 70.925926 Labour (Co-op) 2016-2017
6 115.000000 Plaid Cymru 2016-2017
7 87.777778 Liberal Democrat 2016-2017
8 88.666667 Social Democratic & Labour Party 2016-2017
9 80.000000 Ulster Unionist Party 2016-2017
10 94.000000 Democratic Unionist Party 2016-2017
11 142.000000 Green Party 2016-2017

In [172]:
# Create a function to loop through sessions and create a dataframe containing specified averages for each one
# Note that this just generalises and packages up the code we had previously
def pivotAndFlatten(overall,typ):
    #Tidy up the index
    overall_wide = overall.pivot(index='session', columns=typ)
    #Flatten the column names
    overall_wide.columns = overall_wide.columns.get_level_values(1)
    return overall_wide

def getOverall(typ):
    for session in psd['display name']:

    return pivotAndFlatten(overall,typ)



party Alliance Conservative Democratic Unionist Democratic Unionist Party Green Party Independent Labour Labour (Co-op) Liberal Democrat Plaid Cymru Respect SNP Scottish National Party Social Democratic Social Democratic & Labour Party UKIP Ulster Unionist Party
2005-2006 NaN 132.668394 144.0 127.625 NaN 67.142857 134.061538 132.200000 119.063492 202.000000 34.0 NaN 124.857143 24.0 95.333333 123.5 NaN
2006-2007 NaN 92.744792 39.0 47.625 NaN 62.833333 94.736196 104.947368 90.841270 64.333333 50.0 NaN 99.000000 28.0 67.333333 89.5 NaN
2007-2008 NaN 117.302083 11.0 30.375 NaN 80.666667 112.253086 122.700000 106.206349 86.000000 15.0 NaN 104.125000 19.0 32.666667 148.0 NaN
2008-2009 NaN 95.910526 1.0 36.500 NaN 53.777778 92.212025 101.600000 96.603175 60.333333 8.0 NaN 92.000000 24.0 65.333333 77.0 NaN
2009-2010 NaN 53.518325 3.0 17.375 NaN 50.000000 46.870748 46.950000 44.650794 29.333333 5.0 NaN 35.125000 6.0 23.666667 17.0 NaN

In [236]:
#Note that the function means it's now just as easy to query on another single column

party_group Conservative Labour Liberal Democrat Other
2005-2006 132.668 133.954 119.063 112.303
2006-2007 92.745 95.299 90.841 66.938
2007-2008 117.302 112.860 106.206 68.394
2008-2009 95.911 92.771 96.603 59.314
2009-2010 53.518 46.876 44.651 30.833
2010-2012 256.076 182.669 254.714 200.323
2012-2013 114.723 77.504 120.407 92.333
2013-2014 124.583 89.545 127.946 109.419
2014-2015 98.923 63.945 84.018 81.867
2015-2016 135.368 78.850 117.250 107.632
2016-2017 114.405 62.845 87.778 95.724

In [166]:
overallParty.plot(kind='barh', figsize=(20,20));

In [169]:


We can write another query to look by gender and party.

In [175]:
def avByGenderAndParty(session):
    q='''SELECT AVG(gcount) AS average, gender, party, session
        FROM (SELECT '{session}' AS session, gender, party, mnis_id, count(*) AS gcount
            FROM dfs.tmp.`/senti_post_v2.parquet`
            WHERE speech_date>='{start}' AND speech_date<='{end}'
            GROUP BY mnis_id, gender, party)
        GROUP BY gender, party, session
'''.format(session=session, start=start, end=end)
    #Make the average a numeric type...
    return dq


average gender party session
0 32.000000 Female Independent 2016-2017
1 111.386100 Male Conservative 2016-2017
2 27.000000 Male UKIP 2016-2017
3 19.000000 Male Independent 2016-2017
4 66.265487 Male Labour 2016-2017
5 126.074627 Female Conservative 2016-2017
6 56.344086 Female Labour 2016-2017
7 95.583333 Male Scottish National Party 2016-2017
8 74.823529 Male Labour (Co-op) 2016-2017
9 100.000000 Female Plaid Cymru 2016-2017
10 96.750000 Male Liberal Democrat 2016-2017
11 111.555556 Female Scottish National Party 2016-2017
12 79.000000 Male Social Democratic & Labour Party 2016-2017
13 64.300000 Female Labour (Co-op) 2016-2017
14 122.500000 Male Plaid Cymru 2016-2017
15 80.000000 Male Ulster Unionist Party 2016-2017
16 94.000000 Male Democratic Unionist Party 2016-2017
17 108.000000 Female Social Democratic & Labour Party 2016-2017
18 142.000000 Female Green Party 2016-2017
19 16.000000 Female Liberal Democrat 2016-2017

In [206]:

for session in psd['display name']:

#Pivot table it more robust than pivot - missing entries handled with NA
#Also limit what parties we are interested in
gp_wide = gp_overall[gp_overall['party'].isin(parties)].pivot_table(index='session', columns=['party','gender'])

#Flatten column names
gp_wide.columns = gp_wide.columns.droplevel(0)

party Conservative Labour
gender Female Male Female Male
2005-2006 134.312500 132.519774 111.188889 142.821277
2006-2007 91.875000 92.823864 85.844444 98.127119
2007-2008 101.812500 118.710227 110.696629 112.842553
2008-2009 84.294118 97.052023 88.090909 93.802632
2009-2010 42.823529 54.563218 44.262500 47.845794
2010-2012 204.458333 265.792157 172.067568 185.692308
2012-2013 98.333333 117.845238 74.200000 77.326667
2013-2014 113.340426 126.671937 90.263158 86.265306
2014-2015 105.000000 97.794466 64.350649 61.986395
2015-2016 131.833333 136.276265 72.155556 83.813559
2016-2017 126.074627 111.386100 56.344086 66.265487

In [208]:

In [209]:
gp_wide.plot(kind='barh', figsize=(20,10));

Automating insight...

We can automate some of the observations we might want to make, such as years when M speak more, on average, than F, within a party.

In [225]:
# Go back to the full dataset, not filtered by party
gp_wide = gp_overall.pivot_table(index='session', columns=['party','gender'])

#Flatten column names
gp_wide.columns = gp_wide.columns.droplevel(0)


party Alliance Conservative Democratic Unionist Democratic Unionist Party Green Party Independent Labour ... Plaid Cymru Respect SNP Scottish National Party Social Democratic Social Democratic & Labour Party UKIP Ulster Unionist Party
gender Female Female Male Male Female Male Female Female Male Female ... Male Male Female Female Male Male Female Male Male Male
2005-2006 NaN 134.312500 132.519774 144.0 92.0 132.714286 NaN 95.666667 45.750000 111.188889 ... 202.000000 34.0 NaN NaN 124.857143 24.0 NaN 95.333333 123.5 NaN
2006-2007 NaN 91.875000 92.823864 39.0 10.0 53.000000 NaN 61.000000 64.666667 85.844444 ... 64.333333 50.0 NaN NaN 99.000000 28.0 NaN 67.333333 89.5 NaN
2007-2008 NaN 101.812500 118.710227 11.0 19.0 32.000000 NaN 85.000000 79.800000 110.696629 ... 86.000000 15.0 NaN NaN 104.125000 19.0 NaN 32.666667 148.0 NaN
2008-2009 NaN 84.294118 97.052023 1.0 8.0 40.571429 NaN 31.000000 60.285714 88.090909 ... 60.333333 8.0 NaN NaN 92.000000 24.0 NaN 65.333333 77.0 NaN
2009-2010 NaN 42.823529 54.563218 3.0 1.0 19.714286 NaN 8.000000 68.000000 44.262500 ... 29.333333 5.0 NaN NaN 35.125000 6.0 NaN 23.666667 17.0 NaN

5 rows × 26 columns

In [232]:
sp_wide = gp_wide.reset_index().melt(id_vars=['session']).pivot_table(index=['session','party'], columns=['gender'])

#Flatten column names
sp_wide.columns = sp_wide.columns.droplevel(0)


gender Female Male
session party
2005-2006 Alliance NaN NaN
Conservative 134.312500 132.519774
Democratic Unionist NaN 144.000000
Democratic Unionist Party 92.000000 132.714286
Green Party NaN NaN
Independent 95.666667 45.750000
Labour 111.188889 142.821277
Labour (Co-op) 104.200000 141.533333
Liberal Democrat 118.777778 119.111111
Plaid Cymru NaN 202.000000
Respect NaN 34.000000
Scottish National Party NaN 124.857143
Social Democratic NaN 24.000000
Social Democratic & Labour Party NaN 95.333333
UKIP NaN 123.500000
Ulster Unionist Party NaN NaN
2006-2007 Alliance NaN NaN
Conservative 91.875000 92.823864
Democratic Unionist NaN 39.000000
Democratic Unionist Party 10.000000 53.000000
Green Party NaN NaN
Independent 61.000000 64.666667
Labour 85.844444 98.127119
Labour (Co-op) 83.000000 112.785714
Liberal Democrat 82.888889 92.166667
Plaid Cymru NaN 64.333333
Respect NaN 50.000000
Scottish National Party NaN 99.000000
... ... ... ...
2015-2016 Green Party 176.000000 NaN
Independent 54.000000 19.000000
Labour 72.155556 83.813559
Labour (Co-op) 77.500000 80.750000
Liberal Democrat NaN 117.250000
Plaid Cymru 84.000000 110.500000
Respect NaN NaN
SNP 19.000000 NaN
Scottish National Party 96.555556 113.805556
Social Democratic NaN NaN
Social Democratic & Labour Party 151.000000 117.500000
UKIP NaN 55.000000
Ulster Unionist Party NaN 85.000000
2016-2017 Alliance NaN NaN
Conservative 126.074627 111.386100
Democratic Unionist NaN NaN
Democratic Unionist Party NaN 94.000000
Green Party 142.000000 NaN
Independent 32.000000 19.000000
Labour 56.344086 66.265487
Labour (Co-op) 64.300000 74.823529
Liberal Democrat 16.000000 96.750000
Plaid Cymru 100.000000 122.500000
Respect NaN NaN
Scottish National Party 111.555556 95.583333
Social Democratic NaN NaN
Social Democratic & Labour Party 108.000000 79.000000
UKIP NaN 27.000000
Ulster Unionist Party NaN 80.000000

187 rows × 2 columns

In [235]:
#Sessions when F spoke more, on average, then M
#Recall, this data has been previously filtered to limit data to Con and Lab

#Tweak the precision of the display

sp_wide[sp_wide['Female'].fillna(0) > sp_wide['Male'].fillna(0) ]

gender Female Male
session party
2005-2006 Conservative 134.312 132.520
Independent 95.667 45.750
2007-2008 Independent 85.000 79.800
2010-2012 Alliance 158.000 NaN
Green Party 320.000 NaN
2012-2013 Alliance 62.000 NaN
Green Party 205.000 NaN
Scottish National Party 139.000 110.200
2013-2014 Alliance 115.000 NaN
Green Party 280.000 NaN
Independent 159.000 19.600
Labour 90.263 86.265
2014-2015 Alliance 63.000 NaN
Conservative 105.000 97.794
Green Party 167.000 NaN
Independent 103.000 14.000
Labour 64.351 61.986
Social Democratic & Labour Party 88.000 72.000
2015-2016 Green Party 176.000 NaN
Independent 54.000 19.000
SNP 19.000 NaN
Social Democratic & Labour Party 151.000 117.500
2016-2017 Conservative 126.075 111.386
Green Party 142.000 NaN
Independent 32.000 19.000
Scottish National Party 111.556 95.583
Social Democratic & Labour Party 108.000 79.000

In [ ]: